David Winkler
More Books on My Bookshelf
Last month, I mentioned four books which I've found to be helpful in understanding the world of classical music and culture in general. Here are several books which I've enjoyed about the subject of hymns:
Sing with Understanding - An Introduction to Christian Hymnology
by Harry Eskew and Hugh T. McElrath
Really a textbook for a hymnology class, but gives a good overview of the history of hymns.
Isaac Watts - Father of English Hymnology
by N.A. Woychuk
A short biography of one of the most influential hymn writers. Available from Scripture Memory Fellowship. An expanded version of the book titled Singing the Psalms with Isaac Watts includes the text of the biography, plus all of Watts' versified Psalms.
Then Sings My Soul - 150 of the World's Greatest Hymn Stories
by Robert J. Morgan
There are lots of books out there which tell the "back story" of the hymns we sing. This is one of my favorites.
Presidential Praise
by C. Edward Spann and Michael E. Williams, Sr.
The authors researched the lives of each of the American presidents, from Washington through George W. Bush, and uncovered a favorite hymn for each one. Includes a recording of all the hymns as sung by a choir from Dallas Baptist University.
Do you have a favorite book about hymns? Write me at david@davidwinkler.com and let me know.
P.S. — if you are looking for music for Christmas, be sure to check out the CHRISTMAS page of our website!