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Exclusive Publications

From time to time, I have the opportunity to create various pieces which don't really fit into a publisher's catalog. In other cases, a piece has gone out of print but is still available directly from me. I'm happy to make these available to you, my musical friends. The pieces are scattered throughout this website, but here they are in one list, linked to their expanded descriptions.

ABBOT'S LEIGH — Hymn orchestration.

A Joyful Doxology – A Celtic-sounding medley of three hymns, scored for orchestra/instrumental ensemble.

All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name –– For piano solo.


A Noble Calling –– Concert march for full concert band, with optional parts for strings.


Alabanza Cubana para Instrumentos (Cuban Praise for Instruments) — Collection for solo instruments.

Almighty –– Praise and worship song by Wayne Watson, scored for church orchestra.

Amazing Grace –– Choir and orchestra, with solo bagpipes!

Amazing Grace –– Arranged to work as a simple choral feature, an orchestra-only special, or for congregational singing. Optional part for bagpipes included.

Angels We Have Heard on High Brass quintet with optional percussion.


Angels We Have Heard on High –– Intermediate-level piano solo.


Battle Hymn of the Republic –– arranged for clarinet ensemble, with optional percussion.

Be Thou My Vision — Woodwind ensemble.

Beautiful Savior — For orchestra (new version, does not require organ).

Beautiful Savior — Handbell parts to accompany either orchestral version.


Bells and Brass Series – Easter titles arranged for brass ensemble and handbell choir.


Blessed Be the Name — Soulful setting for piano solo.

Blessed Be the Name of the Lord with Come Into His Presence — Easy arrangement for church orchestra.


Brass Quintets - Hymns for Congregational Singing Hymns arranged for brass quintet with piano/rhythm section and optional percussion.

Celtic Hymns — Adapted from Craig Duncan’s recordings, for woodwind/string ensemble with guitar and piano.

Chord Symbols: A Guide to Interpretation — Instruction book.

Christmas Overture — For orchestra.

Colossians 3:16 Project — Eight hymns for choir-led congregational worship.

Come and Worship Him — Christmas piece for choir, with opt. orchestration.

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing — Flute or clarinet solo with piano accompaniment.

Deep in the Heart of TexasFor brass ensemble


Deep in the Heart of TexasFor vocals, with optional instrumental accompaniment

Deep RiverWarm and sensitive setting of a well-known African-American spiritual, for intermediate level piano.

Divinum Mysterium — Christmas medley for euphonium or cello solo and piano.

Finger Magic: Technical Exercises for the Piano


Go, Tell It on the Mountain — For easy piano solo.

Go, Tell It on the Mountain (jazz version) — For piano solo.

God Be In My Head — Short setting for SATB choir.

God Bless America — A simple, straightforward arrangement of the chorus of this great American song.  The arrangement may be performed by instruments alone, or by instruments accompanying a choir and/or congregation or group singing. 

Good Christian Men, Rejoice — Christmas carol, arranged for solo instrument with keyboard.

Hallelujah Chorus — Orchestration to the original by Handel, rescored for church orchestra. Available in the original key of D and also in the key of C. Choral parts also available.

Hark, the Herald Angels Sing — Short arrangement for 3-4 (or more) trumpets, fanfarish in nature.

Have Faith in God — For orchestra.

He Lifted Me – for brass ensemble.

Here I Am, Lord — Arrangement for orchestra.

His Eye Is On the Sparrow — Instrumental solo with piano accompaniment and optional vocal solo.

His Mercy Is More — Popular worship song by Boswell and Papa, arranged for church orchestra.

Hosanna (Praise is Rising) — Easy arrangement for four-part ensemble/orchestra.

How Great Is Our God with How Great Thou Art – powerful medley for orchestra of the classic worship chorus and the hymn.

HYFRYDOL (Key of E-flat) — Hymn orchestration.

HYFRYDOL (Key of F) — Hymn orchestration.

If My People Will Praypowerful song by Jimmy Owens, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14, scored for trumpet solo with orchestra. 

I'll Still Be Praising You — SATB choir with opt. orchestration.


I Must Tell Jesus — Short arrangement for piano solo.

In Christ Alone — Trombone quartet with piano (opt. rhythm).

In Remembrance – For solo instrument with piano or handbell choir accompaniment.

Instrumental Caroling Series – Two volumes of easy arrangements of traditional carols, scored for flexible instrumentation, and useful for a variety of occasions during the Christmas season.

Instrumental Duets — Three pieces for flute and violin.

I Sing the Mighty Power of God  — SATB with optional orchestration.

It is Well with My Soul — Piano arrangement by Cuban composer Yusín Pons.

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee — For piano (or organ).

Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee — Same as the keyboard version, but with additional parts.

King of My Heart Worship song by the McMillans, arranged for orchestra.

Lift Every Voice and Sing — For easy piano solo.

Lift Every Voice and Sing — Intermediate piano arrangement.

Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming — Duet for two lower-pitched instruments, with piano. 

Majestic Fanfare — Short piece for orchestra, written as an overture to a dramatic Easter production.

Majesty — Arrangement for 4-part trumpet ensemble.

Marine's Hymn with Semper Fidelis — Duet for clarinet and cello (bassoon or bass clarinet) with optional piano accompaniment.

Mary, Did You Know? — Vocal Solo with rhythm and strings. 

Mighty to Save — Easy arrangement for four-part ensemble with rhythm and percussion.

Modern Worship Orchestra Series — New arrangements for orchestra.

O Holy Night — arranged for flute, clarinet, and trumpet soloists, with strings and piano, plus optional harp and percussion. 

O Sacred Head, Now Wounded for brass ensemble.

O Sing A Song of Bethlehem — Piano and optional solo instrument.

Patriotic Brass Series — American patriotic songs, arranged for brass ensemble

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven — Strings and organ, with optional flute and percussion.

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty — Upbeat arrangement featuring each section of the orchestra.


Prelude: "49th Parallel" — A beautiful chorale-like piece by Ralph Vaughan Williams, scored for concert band, with optional strings and keyboard.

Prelude to "Te Deum" — Majestic music for organ, with optional piccolo trumpet.

Pseudomodulations — Short interludes for congregational singing, for keyboard or orchestra.

Santo es Jehová (Holy Is the Lord) — Cuban worship song, arranged for SATB a cappella.

Speak, O Lord — song by Getty & Townend, arranged for piano solo.

Revelation Song — Symphonic setting for orchestra.

Send a Great Revival SAB choir with piano accompaniment.

Songs to Sing and Play: Learning to Improvise Accompaniments at the Piano — Instruction book.

Stand By Me — Quasi-spiritual arranged for SATB chorus, unaccompanied.


Su Nombre es Jehová (His Name is Jehovah) — Popular worship song from Cuba.

Sweet Hour of Prayer — Meditative setting for orchestra, with optional narration.

Texas, Our Texas — for brass ensemble

Texas, Our Texas — for clarinet ensemble

The Lord's Prayer — Arranged for solo trumpet with orchestra (optional piano or accompaniment track).


The Marketplace — Lively, Jewish-sounding tune, arranged for full orchestra.

The Seven Days of Christmasa fun, abbreviated version of "The 12 Days of Christmas," scored for flexible instrumentation.

The Swan — arrangement for piano of the melody by Saint-Saëns.

We Are His Church — SATB choir with opt. orchestration.


We Have Heard the Joyful Sound (Jesus Saves) — Fun and jazzy version of a great old hymn, arranged for orchestra.

Welcome To Our World — Vocal Solo with strings and piano.


Well-Tempered Warm-ups, Vol. 1 & 2 — For orchestra, ensemble, or individual players.


When Jesus Wept — Haunting melody by William Billings, scored for two flutes, piano, and strings.

Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagles Fly — for vocals, with optional instrumental accompaniment

Wherever He Leads, I'll Go — Instrumental solo, with piano accompaniment.

Yet Not I, But Through Christ in Me — From the recording by CityAlight, arranged for choir, worship team and/or congregation, with optional orchestration.

You Are My All in All — "Classical" setting of the Dennis Jernigan worship song, arranged for vocal duet with choir and orchestra.

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