Devoted to Prayer
"Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving." Colossians 4:2

Early this year, I felt impressed to seek the Lord more diligently in prayer regarding the church orchestra I conduct here in Austin. Little did I know then that a major pandemic would overtake the world, affecting all of our lives, including the churches and the music ministries in which we serve.
For some of us, the effects of the crisis have mainly been an inconvenience, but for others who have lost jobs or lost loved ones to the virus, it has been truly devastating. Now more than ever we need to turn to God in prayer, and when we finally get rolling again with our church meetings and our music ministries, we will need God's blessing to help us rebuild our programs and adjust to a new reality. But as the pastor of our church here in Austin said, "The Coronavirus didn't take God by surprise." He still has a plan, so in our prayers we must seek His face and try to sense His leading. Jesus said in John 15:5, "Apart from Me you can do nothing." We need the power of God's Spirit in our ministries, and His direction in our plans. Part of my prayers involve asking the Lord to bless each member of the orchestra I direct, in whatever needs they may have. I am also praying that the Lord will lead more players to join our group, because I believe that being involved in a fellowship of musicians can be a great blessing to any instrumentalist. A number of years back, I wrote a prayer that was published in a church music magazine. I have reproduced that below. Feel free to use it in your ministry. An Orchestra Member's Prayer
Lord, I thank You for the gift of music. Through music, Your Spirit can bring healing, deliverance, encouragement, and a sense of worship. There are some who sing – and I like to sing; Yet You have given me another talent, that of praising You with an instrument. Lord, I thank You for this gift, and I dedicate it to You, that through my life and my instrument Your name might be glorified. Lead me to a greater development of this gift, that my offering of praise might be worthy in Your sight. In the name of Christ I ask, Amen.
God bless, everyone, and stay safe!